Abstract—Pre- and post-monsoon water samples collected from open well and bore wells at specified intervals from coastal areas of Thalapady, Kannuatheertha, Manjeshwar, Banthiyod and Kumbala, Kasaragod district shows that Electrical Conductivity ( EC) of pre- and post-monsoon water samples varies drastically. This may be attributed to saline water intrusion during pre-monsoon season due to excessive usage of water from these wells. At Thalapady, EC of pre-monsoon sample is 1080 (μS/cm) and EC of post monsoon sample is 260 (μS/cm). Similarly all other samples also shows variations in EC including both open and bore well samples. The decrease may be due to decrease of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) during monsoon season due to mixing of groundwater with rainwater and increase in EC is due to enrichment of TDS during summer season due to saline water intrusion. The EC of pre-monsoon samples here varies from 260 to 1630 (μS/cm) and that of post monsoon samples varies from 120 (μS/cm) to 770 (μS/cm). The pH of the samples varies from 6.5 to 8. At 500 m west of Banthiyod, the water sample from bore well is having smell of H2S and a fine layer of oil is noticed. It is 150 feet depth and EC during post-monsoon records 770 (μS/cm). The open well in the same location is having potable water with EC of 110 (μS/cm) during post-monsoon. Bore well water sample from Devinagar, Kumbala is characterized by the presence of mucous precipitate and color of the water is yellowish green. The open well water sample from Kannuatheertha is rich in ferrugenous materials and the coconut plants here is developed brown coloration. Open well water sample at Uppala is characterized by high Cu content (600 ppb) and the water here is having sour taste.
Index Terms—Electrical Conductivity, Water sample, Total Dissolved Solids, Saline water and pH
Cite:Cheruvathoor Vannathan Gopalan and Krishnaiah Chikkamadaiah, "Salt Water Intrusion Impacts and Quality of Ground Water along Coastal Area from Thalapady to Kumbala, Kasaragod District, Kerala, India," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 21-28, September 2015.