Abstract—A total of 55 key observation wells were established in different hydrogeological setting in Uttara Kannada district to study the groundwater conditions. Based on the study, groundwater occurs under unconfined, semi-confined and confined conditions in the weathered and fractured zones of granitic gneiss, metagraywackes, schists and laterites. Pre-monsoon depth to water level map reveals that water range from 5-10 m bgl. Post monsoon depth to water level map indicates the dominance of 2 -5 m bgl depth. A perusal of the water level fluctuation map shows two dominant fluctuation ranges of 0-2 m and 2-4 m, which are almost equally distributed. As per long term water level trend analysis, the data from the hydrograph station at Joida, Yellapur, Khumbarwada, Anashi and Dandeli shows rising trend for both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period. Hydrograph station data of Barlgod shows rising trend for pre-monsoon period and falling trend for post monsoon period. Whereas the hydrograph station data of Haliyal shows falling trend for both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon period. These are the places where augmentation to groundwater is required to arrest the decline in water level by adopting artificial recharge practices.
Index Terms—Hydrogeology, Pre-monsoon, Post-monsoon, Uttara Kannada, Karnataka
Cite:Davithuraj J, Raju Sukhaye, and Manjunatha S, "Hydrogeological Conditions in Parts of Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 31-46, March 2016.