Abstract—Groundwater is the ideal source of water for human exists. In the olden days, the ground water development is through dug wells. Over a period of time, due to increase in population, the stress on ground water has increased. Consequently, the water quantity and quality were lowered. The quality of ground water is just as important as its quantity. Ground water is less susceptible to bacterial pollution than surface water because an excellent mechanism for filtering out particulate matter, such as leaves, soil, and bugs, dissolved chemicals and gases through which ground water flows screen out most of the bacteria. But freedom from bacterial pollution alone does not mean that the water is fit to drink. Many unseen dissolved mineral and organic constituents are present in ground water in various concentrations. The most common dissolved mineral substances are namely pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), Total Alkalinity (TA), Chloride (Cl) and Fluoride (F). Hence monitoring of ground water quality has become indispensable. In the present study water samples were collected all around the study area and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is used to prepare the spatial variation maps of major water quality parameters in the study area. GIS not only facilitates data capture and processing but also serve as powerful computational tools that facilitate multi map integrations (Subramani et al., 2012). In the present groundwater quality map was prepared by integrating of spatial variation maps of major water quality parameters for Northeast part of Kadapa district, Andhra Pradesh.
Index Terms—Groundwater, Water quality, GIS, Spatial interpolation, Integration
Cite:P Venkata Ramireddy, G V Padma, and N Balayerikala Reddy, "Spatial Analysis for Ground Water Quality of Northeast Part of Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 59-65, June 2016.