Abstract—Sedimentological and Palynologicaldata from the subsurface samples from the bore-hole # KYG-451, located in the southwestern margin of Godavari sub-basin and Northern part of Kothagudem sub-basin of Koyagudem area, Lower Gondwana, Andhra Pradesh. Present study has been chosen to depict the relationship between sedimentological and palynological data based on the mineral assemblage with palynoassemblage. Present study is for ten core samples from bore-hole which are sandstone, shale and shally coal. The objective of the study is to identify the minerals and its grain size, shape analysis, sedimentation character and nature of source rock, palynoassemblage study and age assessment. Thin section study reveals shape of the grains which discloses the source rock relationship for the sediments during deposition and also some heavy minerals like zircon, garnet, hematite, chlorite are also identified and the source rock potential identified. Cementing materials areidentified which flows through inter granular space between adjacent minerals of sediments which reveals the deposition environments of the sediments. Palynological data applied to understand distribution pattern of floral remains. Palynological study reveals fifteen well preserved palynoformsarerecovered.Based on the dominance and sub-dominance of palynoforms Scheurangipollenites palynoassemblage identified and possible to assign the age for the sediments under consideration.
Index Terms—Sedimentology, Palynology, Koyagudem, Bore-hole sample, Lower Gondwana
Cite:Prameela M, L Mahesh Bilwa, C J Nagamadhu, and P Madesh, "Sedimentological and Palynological Studies of Sub-surface Samples of Koyagudem Area, Kyg-451, Godavari Valley Coal Field, Lower Gondwana, Andhra Pradesh, South India," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 54-65, September 2016.