Volume 2, No. 4, December 2016

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  • ISSN: 2395-647X (Online)
  • Short Title:  Int. J. Geol. Earth Sci.
  • Frequency: Semi-annual
  • Editor-in-Chief: ​Prof. Marina Fernandez de la Cruz, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
  • Associate Editor: Sujitha R. Reddy, Savitha Darsha
  • DOI: 10.18178/ijges
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Diagenesis of Glauconite Bearing Quartzites of the Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India

V Gope Naik1, U Suresh1, and K Sunil Kumar2
1.Assistant Professor, Department of Geology, S.V University, Tirupati, India
2.Young Scientist, Department of Geology, S.V University, Tirupati, India

Abstract—Cuddapah Basin is the unique basin that has the attracted many earth scientists. The litho stratigraphy and the structure of the basin have been studied in detail by various authors. However, the research on the sedimentological aspect of the basin was comparatively less. There are number of ferruginous quartzites that occur has interbeds within the formations at all stratigraphic levels, including the rocks of Kurnool Group. These ferruginous quartzite are all glauconite bearing. Hence, the diagenetic aspects of the glauconite and the quartzite have been studied in detail. The field maps are prepared with the help of satellite data. Extensive field work was carried out and number of samples has been collected for laboratory studies. Wealth of literature is also presented for better understanding.

Index Terms—Cuddapah basin, Diagenisis, Glauconite bearing quartzites

Cite:V Gope Naik, U Suresh and K Sunil Kumar, "Diagenesis of Glauconite Bearing Quartzites of the Cuddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh, India," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 19-31, December 2016.