Abstract—Rivers are the most sensitive component of the fluvial environment and play an important role in the evolution of various landforms in a river basin. The study has demonstrated that the applicability of remote sensing, DEM data and GIS tools for basin analysis with reference to the tectonics. The Tuirini river basin is typically Tertiary mountainous terrain and major portion of the area comes under the steep slope category. The Tuirini river drains over an area of about 420 sq.km and the drainage system is governed by tectonics along the existing lineaments and faults. The results of river profiles show graded curves which reflect the nature of the bed rocks as well as the intensity of tectonic activities of the region. As the area is tectonically active, most of the tributaries follow lineaments/fractures, and the course of main river (Tuirini) is structurally controlled by lineaments and major faults at several sectors. Hence, this study would be helpful for basin management plan and conservation of natural resources for sustainable development of the area.
Index Terms—River profiles, Lineament, Tectonics, GIS, River basin, Mizoram
Cite:Fuzal Ahmed and K. Srinivasa Rao, "Application of DEM and GIS in Terrain Analysis: A Case Study of Tuirini River Basin, Ne India," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-20, March 2019.