Volume 5, No. 1, March 2019

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  • ISSN: 2395-647X (Online)
  • Short Title:  Int. J. Geol. Earth Sci.
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  • Editor-in-Chief: ​Prof. Marina Fernandez de la Cruz, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
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International Journal of Geology and Earth Sciences
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Integrating Geoelectrical and Hydrogeological Data in Determining Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters of Ikeduru Area, Southeastern Nigeria

S. O. Onyekuru, S. I. Ibeneme, L. O. Ohenhen, and F. B. Akiang
Department of Geology, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria

Abstract—Electrical resistivity survey, employing Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) and hydrogeological data were combined to determine the aquifer hydraulic parameters, with a view to evaluating the groundwater potential of Ikeduru area, southeastern Nigeria. Ten (10) VES data were obtained randomly in the study area using Schlumberger electrode configuration, with four of the VES parametrically sounded. A maximum half-current electrode separation of 370 m was used. The data were interpreted using standard resistivity software. Shallow and semi-deep aquifer systems were mapped as the depth to water table in the study area ranges from 26.2 to 71.4 m. The aquifer thickness ranges from 34.1 to 136.9 m. Using diagnostic constant (Kó) value of 0.0018 for the study area, the Hydraulic Conductivity for the area varies from 1.35 to 29.16 m/day with a mean value of 12.25 m/day, indicating a clean sand aquifer material. Transmissivity values range from 314.0 to 2796.8 m2/day, with a mean value of 987 m2/day. The high transmissivity in the area indicates a broad and shallow drawdown which encourages water abstraction to a degree of regional importance. The Storativity value varies from 0.1023 to 0.4107, which is fairly uniform depicting similar geologic setting, hydrochemical facies and water quality. The aquifer Diffusivity varies from 451.2 to 9720.0 m2/day, with a mean value of 7936.9 m2/day which implies quick response of the aquifer to fluid transmission as the hydraulic conditions change from one location to another. The results indicate that the area is suitable for sustainable groundwater development.

Index Terms—Hydraulic parameters, Hydraulic conductivity, Transmissivity, Storativity, Diffusivity

Cite:S. O. Onyekuru, S. I. Ibeneme, L. O. Ohenhen, and F. B. Akiang, "Integrating Geoelectrical and Hydrogeological Data in Determining Aquifer Hydraulic Parameters of Ikeduru Area, Southeastern Nigeria," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 56-72, March 2019.