Abstract—Electrical resistivity (RS) and induced polarization (IP) methods have an important role in
exploration of disseminated metal and sulfide mineralization zones. In the exploration
geophysics, in order to minimize the error in determining the dimensions and depth of
anomalies, two integrated geophysical methods are common. This paper investigates the
capability of the electrical resistivity and induced polarization methods in order to delineate
the presence of minerals containing metalore deposits. The presence of metal ore deposits
in rocks generally lowers the resistivity. Ions in the vicinity of metallic grains in rocks
increase the chargeability of the rock when measured using IP method. Since it is possible to
define any arbitrary structure in forward modeling, it was used to generate data. Some noise
was added to make the data look like real observed data. Also, a computer program was
written in MATLAB for performing inversion modeling using finite element method. Finally, this
program was applied to determine the limits of the existent anomalies based on the real data
collected from Bardeskan region (Khorasan Razavi province in Iran) and to be sure, it was
compared with the RES2D INV that the results were satisfactory.
Index Terms—Electrical resistivity, Induced polarization, Metal ore deposits, Inversion modeling
Cite:Neamatullah Mohammed and Pouria Sabziyani, "Joint Inversion of Resistivity and Induced Polarization Data for Metal Deposit Exploration," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 116-130, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijges.5.2.116-130