Volume 5, No. 2, June 2019

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  • ISSN: 2395-647X (Online)
  • Short Title:  Int. J. Geol. Earth Sci.
  • Frequency: Semi-annual
  • Editor-in-Chief: ​Prof. Marina Fernandez de la Cruz, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
  • Associate Editor: Sujitha R. Reddy, Savitha Darsha
  • DOI: 10.18178/ijges
  • Abstracting/Indexing: Crossref, Google Scholar.
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The Need of Artificial Recharge Techniques for Sustainable Development of Ground Water Resources

Sivanatha Reddy G1, Sandhya S2, and Hanumanthu R C3
1.JNATUA College of Engineering, Pulivendula, Kadapa District, Andhra Pradesh, India
2.NIT, Warangal, Telangana, India
3.Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract—Water is an essential element for life. Clean and safe water for daily use is the basic need of human beings. Some areas contain plenty of water but some areas doesn’t contain plenty of water. The main reason for this condition is unavailability of ground water with in the required depth. The technique is to store the water within the aquifer without escaping from it by regulating the runoff and infiltration of water. Hence, various artificial recharge methods to improving the ground water table. Consequently enhance human survival and the quality of irrigation sector.

Index Terms—Ground water, Infiltration, Runoff, Aquifer, Porosity and Permeability, etc.

Cite:Sivanatha Reddy G, Sandhya S, and Hanumanthu R C, "The Need of Artificial Recharge Techniques for Sustainable Development of Ground Water Resources," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 131-145, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijges.5.2.131-145