Abstract—This aim of this study is to obtain the landslide susceptibility, and the maximum number of reinforcements needed for road embankment. It also aims at verifying the empirical formulation used in the previous research. Based on the value of the safety factor, circular center, resistance moment and other landslide variables, the limit equilibrium method by Bishop simplified, was used to obtain the empirical formulation of the number of reinforcements. The verification process was carried out on an embankment dimension of 8 meter (which is different from the data used in the previous studies). The result obtained indicated that the empirical formulation which was developed to obtain the susceptibility of landslides on road embankment, based on the maximum number of reinforcements is inadequate to generalize all the conditions in the area. This formula is optimal for certain heights and subgrade which are similar to the data used in the other study. The simplification of the previously developed formulation needs to be carried out, in order for it to be used in various field conditions.
Index Terms—landslide, embankment, empirical formulation, landslide susceptibility, geotextile reinforcement
Cite:Putu Tantri Kumala Sari and Siti Nurlita Fitri, "Susceptibility of Landslide Embankment, Based on the Maximum Number of Geotextile for Reinforcement," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 58-64, December 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijges.5.4.58-64