Abstract—The coastal population has increased significantly over the past several decades. The increased coastal population led to increased coastal development, which led in turn to great number of structures at risk from coastal hazards. In this study, a G+5 storey reinforced concrete building is analyzed for earthquake and tsunami considering different earthquake zones and different tsunami heights. Based on results, it is found that with the increase in earthquake zone number and tsunami height, values of response quantities of interest i.e. base shear, shear force in column, bending moment and insterstorey drift increases. However, the values of response quantities for tsunami is quite high as compared to earthquake loading.
Index Terms—earthquake, Tsunami, base shear, bending moment, SAP 2000
Cite:A. J. Shah and Vishisht Bhaiya, "Behavior of Building Frames under Tsunami Loading," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 35-38, September 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijges.6.3.35-38