Abstract—In the research area compressional stresses caused by the collision of Indian and Eurasian plates developed the northwest- southeast trending faults which are Riasi Fault (RF), Palandri Fault (PF), Godri Badshah Fault (GBF) and Chhechhan Fault (CF). The objective of research was to interpret the Fault activation on the basis of Geo-hazard parameters includes active faults, slope gradient and Geo-hazard zonation on the basis of Geographical Information System, restrain with the previously known geological and structural information. Digital Elevation Model use to contemplate the faults, slopes, topography, contours, watershed, hill shade, aspect, and stream network. Faults activation is also mark on the basis of geomorphological features, outcrops and linear landslides. It’s required to creating a new high-resolution DEM using GIS Software Arc GIS v10.2 with its 3D Analyst extension. The faults are reverse in nature and have Strike Slip movement bearing Fault gouge and crushing. The folds in research area are open to gentle and northeast southwest vergent. Mapping disclose the well exposure of Siwalik group of Early Miocene (Tm Formation) to Late Miocene (Tdp Formation) rocks in the research area.
Index Terms—Restrain, Contemplate, Gouge, Vergent
Cite:Naeem Khan and Muhammad Afaq Hussain, "Interpreting of Fault Activation with New High Resolution Digital Elevation Model with Himalayan and Azad Kashmir," International Journal of Geology and Earth Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 41-55, March 2019.